International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)


The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is a United Nations agency that fights poverty and hunger by empowering rural people to improve their lives through sustainable agriculture. Established in 1977, IFAD focuses on addressing the needs of the most vulnerable farmers and rural communities in developing countries.

Goals and Objectives:

IFAD’s main goals are:

  • Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger in rural areas
  • Increase agricultural productivity and market access
  • Empower rural people to increase their control over their lives and destinies
  • Promote sustainable resource management and climate resilience
  • Revitalize rural economies and communities


IFAD implements various programs and initiatives to achieve these goals, including:

  • Agricultural productivity and market access: Providing improved seeds, fertilizers, irrigation facilities, and training for improved farming practices.
  • Climate adaptation and resilience: Strengthening climate-smart agriculture, promoting agroforestry, and enhancing disaster risk management.
  • Inclusive rural development: Investing in rural infrastructure, access to finance, and entrepreneurship opportunities.
  • Gender equality: Empowering women farmers through targeted programs and initiatives.
  • Small-scale irrigation: Promoting the adoption of sustainable irrigation technologies to increase agricultural productivity.


Since its inception, IFAD has supported over 500 million rural people in 120 countries. The organization has helped them improve their incomes, access food, and build resilience to climate change and other challenges.

Key Programs:

  • Targeted Rural Income Program (TRIPS): Focuses on increasing smallholder incomes and improving resilience in fragile environments.
  • Climate-Smart Agriculture Programme: Invests in technologies, practices, and policies to mitigate climate change and enhance adaptation in agriculture.
  • Small-Scale Irrigation Initiative: Promotes the development and rehabilitation of small-scale irrigation systems to improve water security and agricultural productivity.


1. What is the funding source of IFAD?

IFAD receives funding from member states, international organizations, and the private sector.

2. Which countries are eligible for IFAD support?

IFAD primarily supports low-income countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

3. What is the focus of IFAD’s projects?

IFAD’s projects primarily aim to empower rural people through sustainable agriculture practices, increased market access, and improved livelihoods.

4. How does IFAD measure its impact?

IFAD tracks and monitors its projects’ impact through various indicators, including income growth, agricultural productivity, and climate resilience.

5. What are the future plans of IFAD?

IFAD plans to continue supporting rural development and empowering rural communities to achieve sustainable agricultural practices and achieve inclusive growth in the coming years.


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